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contoh kalimat to the effect

"to the effect" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • "while another succumbed to the effects of paranoia
    "Sementara yang lain menyerah terhadap efek paranoia
  • We are unclear as to the effects
    Kami yang jelas mengenai efek
  • Animals are known to have different sensitivities to the effects of denatonium.
    Hewan yang dikenal memiliki kepekaan yang berbeda terhadap efek denatonium.
  • Okay, so first I assign point values, correlate to the effect of removal.
    Oke, jadi pertama aku tetapkan nilai poin, hubungkan efek dari pemindahan.
  • Due to the effects of grazing and drought, bush food stores became depleted.
    Karena efek dari grazing dan kekeringan, bush toko makanan menjadi dikosongkan.
  • The decrease in strength of correlation was felt to be due to the effects of globalization.
    Melemahnya hubungan korelasi ini mungkin disebabkan karena efek globalisasi.
  • However, Veronica doesn't remember this incident due to the effects of the drugs.
    Namun, Shinichi tidak mati, yang terjadi adalah efek samping dari obat itu.
  • And have you given any thought to the effect that would have on the people?
    Dan adakah kau memikirkan pada dampak yang akan terjadi pada orang-orang?
  • Titanium is considerably different from the other two owing to the effects of the lanthanide contraction.
    Titanium jauh berbeda dari dua lainnya karena efek kontraksi lantanida.
  • 11. Match the mineral to the effect its deficiency has on the oil palm.
    11. Cocokan jenis mineral yang mengakibatkan berkurangnya kualitas minyak sawit.
  • Please upload a photo, or select one of the uploaded photos to add it to the effect
    Meng-upload foto atau pilih yang sudah di-upload foto.
  • Or being sensitive to the effect of our behavior on ourselves and others.
    Atau peka terhadap akibat perilaku kita pada diri kita sendiri dan orang lain.
  • Hydrofluoric acid is complicated because its strength depends on the concentration owing to the effects of homoconjugation.
    Asam fluorida cukup rumit karena kekuatannya bergantung pada konsentrasi karena efek homokonjugasi.
  • Nervous system is particularly sensitive to the effects of a certain experience, in this
    Sistem saraf sangat sensitif terhadap efek dari pengalaman tertentu, dalam hal ini Meme it
  • Thunderstorms occur mostly between October and April, owing to the effect of summer and the mountains.
    Badai petir biasanya terjadi antara Oktober dan April karena efek musim panas dan pegunungan.
  • Light-colored grouting visually increases the space of the room due to the effect of the "combined pattern";
    grouting berwarna terang secara visual menambah ruang ruangan karena efek "pola gabungan";
  • ? Glass insulator shell is immune to the effects of micro-crack propagation with time and load
    ? Kaca isolator kaca kebal terhadap efek perambatan mikro-retak dengan waktu dan beban
  • Well, there is some debate among herbologists as to the effects of fresh water versus salt water
    Ada debat di antara para herbologis mengenai efeknya di air asin dan air tawar
  • The choice of color is up to the effects artists and the needs of the specific shot.
    Pilihan warna sebenarnya tergantung pada seniman efek (effect artist) dan kebutuhan akan shot tertentu.
  • The planetary surface undergoes reshaping over geological time periods due to the effects of tectonics and erosion.
    Permukaan Bumi mengalami pembentukan kembali pada periode waktu geologi karena aktivitas tektonik dan erosi.
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